How to wear a scarf as Mask

Date Posted:21 July 2020 

Just a quick guide on how to make a mask using a scarf, this is not a medical mask or for emergency healthcare workers. This is just for those of us who, as potential transmitters, want to add a layer of protection and avoid a fine. So, for a quick and easy way to wear a scarf as a face mask, check out the video and tips below.

How to Wear a Scarf as a Mask

What you’ll need:
- Scarf or bandana or handkerchief
- 2 rubber bands or hair tie elastics
- Coffee filter or paper towel

1. First, put the paper towel or coffee filter in the middle.
2. Next, fold the scarf (or bandana) to the middle from the top, and then fold again to the middle, from the bottom.
3. Wrap a rubber band loosely around each end of the scarf or bandana.
4. Fold each rubber-banded end to meet in the middle of your scarf or bandana.
5. Hold the mask to your face, folded side against the skin, and tuck a rubber band around each ear and there you have it!


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